Chiropractors on Facebook

Reviews. Traffic. Growth.

Chiropractors on Facebook

April 7, 2020 Blog 0

New to your practice or seasoned and checking yourself, Chiropractors can see lots of ways to show their practice on Facebook. You can spend the time checking other profiles, pages, and ads. Or you can find the best practices and save you time.

The Three Parts You Need to Watch

  • Personal Profile
  • Company Page
  • Facebook Ads

Personal Profile

As a chiropractor, you still are a human and you can still use Facebook. For your local friends, they can find your practice by linking yourself with it. You should be employed by your practice page.

Company Page

Connect your page to the website. This way you can make it easy for the friend of the current patient to reach all of your website information.

Fill out the About You portion of your company page. Tell your story in a succinct and catchy way that shows who you are and why you are treating patients locally.

Facebook Ads

Chiropractors benefit the most from using social media when they use the right tools for the right goals. Your ads are chances to see new patients. The company page is a way to connect and stay relevant with current patients. Your personal page is a way to leverage the connections you have with your practice.

Facebook ads let you target and share information on the best cases and results your practice gets. Working with a professional ads manager lets you keep your time on serving patients. Or some well deserved time off.