Issues of Working with a “Marketing Guy”

Reviews. Traffic. Growth.

Issues of Working with a “Marketing Guy”

March 31, 2020 Blog 0

Zach Bultemeier here, I want to tell you what the issues are when you work with someone to do your marketing.

If your company hasn’t used an outside marketing professional, or any marketing professional, it can be hard to understand what they should do or how working with them should be done.

The 4 Things you need to know about your “marketing guy”

  • They’re a Professional
  • How/When to Contact Them
  • How/Why They Contact You
  • What Benchmark Results Are

They’re a Professional

Seriously. When evaluating marketers, a command of what they are offering is expected. You should find the marketer that knows their mediums, can explain how and why they work, and quickly see a plan to get your company up and running on that medium.

For example, we only offer services that we have resources for. We have certifications from Google on using their ad system, groups sharing best practices on Facebook and Instagram, and work with website platforms and email platforms we know well.

How/When to Contact Them

If you are working with an internal marketer, you can skip this point. But for the outside help, you need to clearly identify what good communication is.

Your marketer can give you the best hours to contact them, the best methods (email, text, Messenger, an assistant) and which methods and times are off limits. Here, we use a dedicated account executive that knows your company and is your main connection to our team. Your AE will give you the best hours for them.

How/Why They Contact You

What results do you need to know? What decisions can they fast-track? Can they stop your ad spending if costs rise?

Several important discussions need to happen for those what-if scenarios. Going over some of these initially with your marketer can save you marketing down-time or save some ad spend for you.

Answering some scenario questions with your marketer helps contain the scope of what the marketer is in control of, and what the manager is still controlling. Here, we go over types of scenarios including rising prices and national emergencies. We know that having a plan for this stuff takes pressure off of you when these things happen.

What Benchmark Results Are

When you start with a marketer, your conversations will center around the message and methods you will use. As you continue, you will turn to watching statistics and numbers change month-to-month.

Good marketers know what others are experiencing (they pay attention to the market as a whole) and can infer whether you are ahead or behind. They know the changes you need to make to improve these numbers.

If you’re ready to start working with marketers that know how to communicate with you, reach out to Zach at The Fort Digital.