Online Listings Guide

Reviews. Traffic. Growth.

Online Listings Guide

March 24, 2020 Blog 0

Online Listings are like the best and worst way to hear about a business. If used correctly, then they work like a billboard or storefront sign showing the world your business is open. Since some listings are kept unchecked, they quickly show the wrong picture about your business. Our guide helps you turn your listings into positives for you and your staff.

NAP Consistent

NAP stands for a business’ Name, Address, and Phone Number. These 3 pieces of information should always be consistent no matter where you are. If your company’s listings are not consistent, potential customers will think you recently moved, made big changes, or worse–closed.

Claim Your Listings

Nothing is worse than taking down false reviews of you online. Your listings are your first chance to present yourself. If you don’t claim your listings, incorrect info can make it on your internet sign. When you claim the listings, most providers give you the most control over what can be placed on your listing.

You are in charge of the photos, the hours, the name, the address, the number–almost all of it.

Where Do I Have to Be?

It helps to be listed on the sites that give you the most traffic. Google obviously ranks #1 in this regard. But where else can and should your business be?

  • Apple (for Apple Maps)
  • Yelp (Reviews, which Apple uses)
  • Facebook
  • Bing
  • Mapquest
  • Waze
  • Better Business Bureau

If your business is in these categories, consider adding the other sites as well:

  • Restaurants
  • Contractors
  • Health Providers
  • Business Services

Google My Business

Google is king when it comes to local search. So being on their site is crucial. They go a step further than other listing sites and combine your ratings, NAP, multimedia, and even coupon giving into one slick device called Google My Business. If you are serious about your reputation, this profile is the one to have. Click here to start your GMB Profile.

Apple Maps

Android users, don’t fall for this trap. Just because you can find the business through Google doesn’t mean everyone will use it. iPhone users are split between using Google Maps and Apple Maps. The best way to ensure accurate data is to control your listings, even the ones you won’t use. Click here to start on Apple Maps Connect.


Yelp has a corner on the market for reviews. They hold as much power as reviews on Google and BBB ratings. Apple also uses Yelp to calculate your star rating on the Apple Maps platform. It is important to claim this listing and make sure your business is represented here. Click here to start using Yelp.


Microsoft’s Bing search engine may not be the biggest, but there is still a following for it. Being listed here and on Google makes sure you catch most online users. Click here to make a Bing business profile.

Best practices tells us that reviewing all of your listings periodically ensures you make an honest representation of your business to customers. Building and maintaining the online listings (and reputations that go with it) is important to lots of local businesses.

You can go it alone, make your mistakes, and learn on your time. Or using The Fort Digital, we can walk with you and do the work to make you shine online.